Friday, September 08, 2006

Is your dog on pot?

Cover story from The Vancouver Province:

Amber Lloyd, veterinary assistant technician at the Yaletown Pet Hospital, says she can count at least four cases at that facility in recent years.

"They're in lulu land," she said of the stoned dogs. "Their heads are rolling around, their eyeballs will roll back, they act drunk."

One 24-hour emergency clinic in Vancouver has begun testing dogs for drugs, using tests similar to those used by employers who have no-drug policies.

While dogs may be prone to go to pot, cats apparently are more inclined to just say no.

"Dogs are more prone to it because dogs eat everything," said Dr. Nicky Joosting, owner of the Vancouver Feline Hospital. "It is a big problem with cats in terms of eating things like ibuprofen."