Friday, June 08, 2007


I'm finally going to appear on the CBC.

I was just minding my business, rolling around in the grass near dog beach, when a reporter approached me. He interviewed me about rabies and I put my ball into the lens of the camera.

I have already appeared on CTV (Canada AM), Animal Planet (IAMS Pet Awards), Outdoor Life Network (IAM Pet Awards), Global Television (the Calgary breakfast show), Shaw Cable (Urban Rush) and MuchMusic (video for Kids These Days' song "Rest Tonight"). I have been in film festivals with my films Lucky Stars and Tierheim. I have also been in the Vancouver Sun three times and once in the Georgia Straight. I still need to get on to Citytv, and maybe some American television, too!

Here's a photo of me being interviewed by Nardwuar the Human Serviette from MuchMusic.