Monday, November 29, 2004

my favourite things

- beach
- orange hockey balls
- my leopard print blanket
- Vincent, the yellow lab on "Lost" (so hott)
- old pretty Tom Waits songs
- Three Dog Bakery and their film festival
- free tasties at Tisol
- helping myself to more free tasties at Tisol
- ride in car to office
- new bones!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2004

praise for charcoal cookies

I love love love charcoal cookies. So yummy in my belly.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

other dogs

I am the best girl in the world because I am cute and have the softest tummy. You know you must pet my tummy. But there are other good dogs. My friends Sam and Chelsea are very good. I love them so much that sometimes I run out of my yard to greet them in the alley. Sam is so wise and funny, and Chelsea is like my big sister. She is fast and has a great bone collection!! Tinkerbell is like my little sister. She is funny because she makes funny sounds, and she looks up to me. I had to protect her once when she was scared and we had to wait outside the coffee place. I also have to spend time with Bailey. He is a spaz. He likes to chew on my feets and try to pee on me. I feel sorry for Bailey because he is mostly stupid, but he is almost as cute as me and he can run fast.

Friday, November 05, 2004

more Canada AM

My Canada AM piece aired today. They interviewed me and Topher Grace. I looked so good. I am a pretty girl. Also, I had an amazing nap today.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Canada AM

I was interviewed on Canada AM today. I am the hippest, coolest canine in western Canada.

I was basking in this knowledge but all the humans around me are sad because of the bush. I went and pooped in the bush.