Tuesday, November 21, 2006

travel dog

Most dogs are creatures of habit. They like routine. They find new locations upsetting.

But not me.

I love travel. Nothing like a good ride in the car with the windows open, my tongue hanging out, and the wind in my ears. I've gone for rides in plane, sail boat, ferry, truck, van and many kinds of car. One day, I would like to go for ride in helicopter!!

I have been to many places: Edmonton, Calgary, Banff, Kamloops, Whistler, and Tofino. This past weekend, I took my second trip to Seattle. What some dogs don't know is that Seattle is across the border. I'm not sure what the border is, but the car moves slowly when we get near it. We roll down window and talk to a man in a uniform and then we speed up. It is very strange.

I had the best day ever on Saturday. First, I went for brunch at a restaurant called Norm's. Normally, when I go to restaurant, I have to sit outside on the patio, but I can go inside Norm's. And there were other dogs there! Peoples were watching a football game and when they cheered, all us dogs barked along with them. The servers brought me a water bowl, and I discovered the greatest food ever -- French fries! Yum!

Norm - the owner of Norm's

We left Norm's and went across the street to a dog store called Railey's. I got to pick out some treats for later. The store peoples gave me some snacks and I tried to walk into their back room area. I was just checking things out. They had some nice collars there.

Magnusson Dog Park

After that, I went to the Magnusson Dog Park. It is a big park just for dogs. There are trails, hills and a big lake. I played for a long time, but an aggressive border collie kept flirting with me. He didn't understand when I told him "No." Do border collies come from the border on the way to Seattle? It would explain so much.

dog tired

I then took a big nap. I was tired. But I woke up and found out the house I was staying at was having a party! And if you know me, you know I'm a party dog. I got to see many old friends and met new ones. I wore a pretty bead necklace and danced with everyone.

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