Monday, January 14, 2008

my new TV crush

I used to think that Madison, the dog who plays Vincent on "Lost", was the best canine actor on television these days. However, like other cast members of that series, Madison was busted for driving under the influence. In Madison's case, the "influence" in question was a dare from one of her human cast mates. And that's not what got her in trouble. She was ticketed for not having a license. By that, I mean she didn't have a Hawaiian state dog license. It's a complicated story, but the end result is she hasn't appeared on "Lost" for a very long time.

So who is now the best canine actor on television? Easy answer. Orbit! She's a sassy golden who plays Digby on the new television series "Pushing Daisies". Orbit is a veteran thespian with credits on shows such as "Dead Like Me" and The Love Letter. She can do comedy, drama, action and musical numbers. She also has a stunt dog named Orion who is a budding talent.

Like Madison, Orbit plays a boy dog character. And considering that Cate Blanchett just won a Golden Globe for playing a man, I'm starting to realize that if I want to keep working, I should play a boy dog. I'm getting pretty good at peeing with my leg up. My aim is so good, I can hit a lamp post without looking back to check. I just walk up, lift, fire, and walk away. I barely ever squat anymore.

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