Sunday, December 12, 2004

in the morning

There's nothing I like better in the morning than to make a really big poo while sniffing the morning news. Peoples like to drink their coffees and read the newspaper, and to me it's the same thing. I like to squat down, stick my nose up in the air, and take in the aroma of the daily events. I like doing this for a good long time. If it's cold out, I will often do it for longer. There's more news on cold days. And if it's raining... gosh, I could squat there for hours. My peoples are always impatient with me while I do this, they say "Hurry up, Lucky!!", but I like getting my daily news.


Anonymous said...


You are a very cool dog. I'd love to go for a swim with you or just run around the park chasing each other. Where can I see your movie, Lucky Stars? It sounds too cool for words.


Anonymous said...

Lucky, and how very appropriately named you are given the good nature, amazing looks and wondrous and enchanting loveliness of your owner. Indeed, if I was to be reincarnated and the gods told me that my next appearance was as a dog, then I should want for nothing else than to reside with you current owner. Lucky by name and lucky by nature. And of course, it goes without saying that as a human, my feelings are no different to what they would be as if I was a canine.
That said, I concur entirely with your feelings towards the inherent joys of a long and three breather ring marked defecation. A breather ring, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the Profanisaurus is an annual indentation or the mark left by one pausing for breath and thus contracting the nipsey (or, in medical terminology, the anal sphincter) whilst laying a particularly long cable. And I quote from William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night Act II, Scene 3 where Lucius commented “Phaw, that one was hard to part with. It had three breather rings in it before it parted with me”. Exit left pursued by a bear.

Lucky Lux said...

Not only do I like to contract my nipsey, but there's a weird poodle at dog beach named Nipsey.