Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Urban Rush

Today I went on the Urban Rush talk show. This was my second talk show appearance. I had previously been on Global Television's breakfast show. There were other dogs in the studio with me. A very handsome (but shy) giant golden retriever named Barkley and a pretty doberman whose name I cannot remember. She was so quiet, I could barely hear her name when she told me. I was there to promote my movie Lucky Stars, and they were there to find their own peoples. They were both dogs up for adoption at the SPCA. They were doggies without homes. So sad. They seemed very nice so I hope they find homes soon. Also, there were bunnies! The Urban Rush people wouldn't let me play with the bunnies.

The hosts Mike and Fiona were very nice to me, but they teased Maureen a lot. I got to kiss Mike. Mostly I sat around and looked cute. They even mentioned my Dog Blog!!

Tonight I watched the season finale of Lost. They didn't show Vincent very much. He mostly tugged at his leash on the beach. Then I finished a bone. Now I'm off to bed to rest up for the big day tomorrow -- my fundraiser for the SPCA Biscuit Fund.

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